Personal Development


  • How to live a fulfilled, balanced and interesting life.

  • How to thrive and increase inner motivation in intense times like now.

  • How to build your unique way and your personal mission.

  • How to live according to what truly matters to you.

  • How to feel internally secure when facing challenges.

  • How to truly becoming aware of your potential with all its your facets.

Everybody has a unique skill-set as well as unique targets and wishes based on one’s own life experiences, patterns, influences and authentic needs.

Whatever your next personal target or business target might be - as seemingly simple or rather complex they may be - :
there is a multitude of tools of how to accelerate meeting your goals and
how to live a fulfilled life.

They are ready for you to discover and explore.

What matters is what
YOU authentically wanna achieve.

Do you seek inspiring support on your journey?
We can accelerate the process!

„With my extensive consulting & coaching expertise, my openness and empathy, we’ll bring forward precious results efficiently -
and we’ll also make the process lighthearted and rich.“

– Eva-Maria Maute

Example topics:

  • Create fulfillment

  • Feel balanced and at ease, whatever the situation is - release triggers and fears that build stress and tension

  • Embrace your empowering strengths

  • Boost your confidence

  • Achieve clarity of thoughts

  • Build up lasting, joyful relationships

  • Extend and build your freedom

  • Exploit your undiscovered potential

  • Enjoy a greater sense of purpose in life and an increased awareness of your personal values

  • Grow beyond limiting thoughts

Feedback: What clients say


„Working with Eva-Maria changed my life to the much better. I can confidently say that I feel much more at ease and at peace, during everyday’s challenges at work and also at home in my family setting. It is easier than I thought - when one knows how to approach and tackle the challenges at hand.“

– J. H.

„The right words and program at the right time. What a relief to realize that there are much more concrete options than I could come up with earlier. Despite being successful professionally, I felt quite desperate inside, looking for a new way of living and also in need for a new professional challenge. I battled an internal fight of “not feeling good enough”. Going through this process strengthened my well-being enormously- and I got promoted.”

– P. D.

Why we deliver the strong results we do:

We treasure people’s uniqueness, we like to create safe space for confidential exchange and are highly experienced in initiating beneficial changes.