Frequently Asked Questions

  • Meetings / sessions

    Meetings can be organized online and offline. They can take place in our offices in Lucerne or alternatively in your company’s offices.

  • How can we best book or get in contact with you?

    Pls call or send an email to “info@eva-maria-maria,com” or send a request via the contact sections under “contact”.

    I’ll get back to you asap.

  • Program length

    Knowing the benefit of supporting change in a sustainable way, most often clients book a package of 5-10 meetings/session.

    If you prefer to book a single session, sure, that’s also possible.

  • We live and work in a different time zone than Switzerland. Can we book a session, too?

    Yes, of course. Normal office hours are Swiss CET office hours. However, we’ll find for sure a convenient solution to conduct our sessions.

  • Languages

    English and German.

  • Can we include a team member or another person into the session?

    Sure! Let’s discuss the best setting for reaching your target.